Providing Career Counseling since 2004
Drawing upon my extensive experience in higher education, encompassing roles in student support and as a faculty member, I bring a distinctive skill set to assist my clients. My focus is on empowering individuals to make well-informed decisions about their careers and education through the creation of a thorough self-reflective framework. This approach allows them to navigate change effectively and progress toward their life's aspirations. Whether the need is guidance in selecting a college major, exploring alternative paths, preparing for job searches and interviews, honing professionalism, transitioning careers, or pursuing specific goals, I am dedicated to providing steadfast support and guidance throughout every step of their journey.
As far back as I can remember, I've had an interest in what people do for a living, about people and why they chose certain careers. If I meet someone for the for the first time, or if I'm making small talk waiting in line at the store, one of the first things I ask about someone is about their profession. It's all about connection!
Throughout my 20-years of working in the world of education as a Career Counselor, Academic Advisor, Admissions Counselor, Faculty Member and Tutor, I couldn't help but notice a significant gap in the support provided to young adults as they embarked on their post-high school journey. While there was considerable emphasis on college preparation, little attention was given to helping them truly understand their innate abilities, strengths, and interests—the essential foundation needed for informed decision-making. This relentless focus on a "college for all" mindset often left our youth ill-equipped for success. Unfortunately, this situation frequently resulted in elevated levels of stress and anxiety for both parents and students, as the path forward was rarely clear-cut for high schoolers.
In the summer of 2022, I made a decision to leverage my expertise and skills to establish Waves of Change Careers—a platform dedicated to bridging this gap. My mission is to empower people by helping them gain a deeper understanding of themselves and equipping them with the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions about their future.
I look forward to connecting with you soon!
Nice to meet you, I'm Nicole!

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